Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Buy Organic, Regrow in Your Garden

I was skeptical when I first saw a method to regrow vegetable, then thought why not.

Online images show the possibility of regrowing green onions by planting the bottom or white portion of the green onion. You simply stick it in the dirt, cutting the onion bottom with a 1/2 inch of soil. This can also be done with the bottom end of celery. Cut off celery stalks about two inches from where they are joined or bottom and plant them in a "shallow grave."

I tried it, it took awhile but they really started growing.  Now, when I'm sitting on the patio, I trim off small bits of celery to eat. The green onion are growing ridiculously well!

Hope you and your family try this easy regrow method of continuing the circle of life and regrowing your vegetables. I made sure to buy organic vegetables. They are more expensive but worth every penny.

Would love to hear your tales of regrowing vegetable @vedanutrition