Friday, July 27, 2012

Label GMO's

I had the opportunity to attend a "Label GMO's" event in my area.  10 states including California will vote on statewide propositions this November.  The ballot measures will require labels on all genetically modified foods.  The California initiative is the brain child of Pamm Larry, from Southern California.  She began her journey posting on facebook and in her blog.  Her ability to stir Californians grew over the course of 2011 and she banded with a partner in crime in January 2012.  They traveled to local meetings and spoke to anyone who would listen.  The team gathered enough signatures to add the initiative to the California state ballot.  Their singular efforts shows how grassroots movements can change the world.

The author of "Seeds of Deception", Jeffrey Smith spoke at the event.  He talked about the tipping point for American to instigate change.  Smith calculated that 5% of our population would have to band together against the likes of Big Business and Monsanto.  A massive Europe shift occurred when the populous joined together.  GMO labeling is now required.  Smith reported that GMO originated foods have been forced out of the European marketplace because consumer choose with their wallets. 

Why is this important for American consumers?  From 1997 - 2000 twice as many cases of I.B.S., Gluten Intolerance, Castro-intestinal difficulty, Autism, Anxiety and Ulcers have been reported.  Jeffrey Smith also authored "Genetic Roulette".  This book explains the link between these disorders and pesticides used to kills bugs.  Monsanto's pesticides were created to kill bugs by making their intestinal linings bleed.  Research show pesticide transference from plants to animals and to man.  

These two books outline the great American lie by the federal government.  The government lied to consumers by touting the safety of food products that were sprayed with pesticides.  The U.S. government bogged down in red tape relies on industry to police itself.  Monsanto reports show pesticides well within the safety levels however the data is and the industry are manipulated.  The for-profit manipulation of the government has Americans getting sicker and sicker.  

I recommend you do your research and find out the ramification of GMO labeling in your state.  Please consider joining the millions of American who are apposed to GMO foods.  

 See Below for more information on the event:

JUST LABEL IT - WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW! Initiative on the 2012 CA NOV BALLOT. Important GMO Labeling Event featuring:
* Maria Muldaur: renowned singer
* Jeffrey Smith: author, “Seeds of Deception”
* Pamm Larry: leader of California GMO Labeling Initiative
* Claire Hope Cummings: author, "Uncertain Peril"
* Robin Carpenter (moderator): radio talk-show host
Polls show Americans overwhelmingly want GMO foods labeled, but the USDA allows their production and sale without labeling or adequate testing. GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are plants or animals that have had DNA introduced from unrelated species creating new and aberrant proteins. GMOs have been linked to allergies and other health problems. Interactive tables with local community groups and an opportunity to interact with the speakers.

Refreshments, wheelchair accessible. For more information, call 415-454-9898.

Sponsored by Good Earth Natural Foods, GMO-Free Marin, and Community Media Center of Marin

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